Karperwereld Online, or KWO, has now become the most visited carp website in the Benelux. Every day we provide all carp anglers with the latest news, catches, product reviews and adventures about carp fishing.Check out the best updates from KWO in our mobile app now. Watch the complete films and videos while sitting comfortably along the waterfront. Also use the best carp logbook there is to digitally track your catches.Make sure you are logged in to the KWO Community to have full access to all content. You can become a KWO Member for only €9.99 per month or €79.99 per year.ADVERTISING FREE: on the KWO Community all updates are free of direct advertising and sponsorship. Read and view the pure adventures and tactics of successful fishermen.In addition to the articles and videos, as a KWO Member you receive a discount from us and our partners, you automatically have a chance to win big prizes and you have access to exclusive bait that is only available for Members.